St Anselm's 1989-1996

Created by Mark one month ago

My time as a teenager at St Anselm's was a time of great change for the school, as it transitioned from the old days of the Christian Brothers to a newer, more progressive approach. During those seven years, I encountered a huge variety of teaching styles, some still belonging to a bygone era with the disdain for children that that apparently entailed. Smiffy was one of the new guard, one of the good guys, a lovely man who treated us all with respect and care. I had no great interest in science - indeed it represented my only grade B at GCSE, which probably disappointed Iain at the time - but I learned as much about music, culture and the arts from him as I ever did about his specialism. More importantly, what all of his students (and especially those of us who suffered from fathers of somewhat dubious character) received from Smiffy was an excellent example of how to be a man - how to live and love humbly; to not take oneself too seriously; and, most importantly, to show kindness. This is his legacy. Thank you, Iain. 

Mark Sweatman (Hannam)